Afternoon TV Stars Annual 1977
Erika Slezak plays Victoria Riley on "One Life to Live"
Erika Slezak resides in a large, two bedroom apartment in Manhattan. "I
am allowed to live there by the grace of a little white Maltese named
Ludwig, who is possibly the cutest dog in the world," she laughs, amending
quickly, "not possibly-definitely the cutest dog in the world. I'm very
Although "One Life To Live" doesn't allow her a great deal of free time, she
takes advantage of weekends and days off to see friends, go for walks,
read, and whip up gourmet meals in her kitchen. "My circle of friends is
kind of small, but I am very lucky in that I have about three or four close,
close friends. They come over a lot, but I don't have time to really entertain
-give parties and that sort of thing. My best friend is a man I have known since I was fifteen years old. Patrick Hanson. He comes over and we sit and talk about the problems of the world.

As a person, Erika describes herself as a creature of extremes. "I live in
dungarees and long dresses. It goes from one end to the other. I love to
sleep in a long, silky nightgown and get up and put on dungarees and
When discussing plans for the future, most actors talk of films and
legitimate theater, sometimes of directing and writing. But Erika's plan
for the future encompasses much more than the world of entertainment.
"I would always like to work, but at the same time, I want to be happy. I want
to keep on loving the guy I love now. I want to get married and have children.
And I want to do things. I want to see the whole world. I've always wanted to
do much more than there is time to do. But I'm going to do it all.
"And I want to live forever. That's all I want."