Emmy 1996
Fifth Emmy
Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama

Acceptance Speech 1996:
"Thank you so
much. I would like to say how proud I am to be included in the company of
such extraordinary nominees. Really, they are wonderful actresses. Time is
short. I would like to thank the Academy and the Blue Ribbon Panel. And I
would like to thank everyone at ABC for being so supportive and for daring
to do a very difficult story. We told a very sad story about child abuse
and the dreadful consequences there of. They were very brave and wonderful
to tell the story. Thanks to David Westin and Pat Filli-Kushell, to Maxine
Levinson and Valerie Sure. Susan Horgan, Michael Malone and his wonderful
team of writers. Our extraordinary directors, without whom I would not be
here. They did so much. Thank you to an extraordinary cast and crew, in
particular, thank you Robin Strasser and Maureen Anderman. And as always,
thank to my wonderful, extraordinary family. I love you all so much. Thank
click to enlarge nomination page